We’d love to set you up with a free in-home estimate or answer any questions you may have.

Contact ClimatePro

Getting in touch with ClimatePro is quick and simple. We strive to be as available to our customers as possible, no matter if you have a simple question, requiring samples or you require a quote. Our friendly team of professionals are standing by. For customer care questions or general sales questions, e-mail customercare(at) or call us at (707) 569-9098.
Main Office & Customer Care

374 Blodgett Street, Suite 1
Cotati, CA 94931

Local: (707) 569-9098 Toll-free: (888)-997-4915
Sales Offices

San Francisco
28 2nd Street #300
San Francisco, CA 94105

San Jose
97 South Second Street
San Jose, CA 95113
(408) 675-4621

NOTE: Our sales offices are by appointment only!
ClimatePro Window Tint Specialists 2

